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Case Study
1. Godiva Chocolatier Inc. Company details
1. Godiva Chocolatier Inc. Company details
Sector (main business activity): Production of chocolate, confectionery and drinks
Year of foundation: 1926
Ownership: Godiva Chocolatier Inc. is a privately owned company.
Officers: Craig W. Rydin, Pres.
Competitors: Russell Stover Candies, Inc.; The Ghirardelli Chocolate Company; Hershey Foods Corporation; Nestlé S.A.; Mars, Inc.; Cadbury Schweppes plc.
Location (HQ / main branches): Brussels – Belgium, New York – US
Number of employees: 600 in Europe
Primary customers: Retail and distribution outlets , franchising outlets, private and corporate customers
Most significant market area: Europe, US, Japan, Hong-Kong
Godiva is specialised in the production of premium chocolate. The company is made up of three decision centers: Godiva Europe, Godiva USA and Godiva Japan. It has manufacturing facilities in Belgium and the USA and nearly four thousand points of sale world-wide.
Godiva Chocolatier was created in 1926 by the Draps family, and for the first 40 years, the company operated regionally as family business. In 1966 Godiva entered the American market and six years later the company became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Campbell Corporation (USA). Presently, the two production units in Belgium and the USA distribute Godiva products all over the world. The range of offer, which traditionally comprised premium chocolates, now includes ice-creams and cocoa-based beverages.
In the United States, the Pennsylvania plant supplies the whole North American market via the network of proprietary boutiques and upscale retail outlets. The Belgian production supplies markets in Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
Customer relationship management at Godiva is a core part of the business strategy. The physical channels (shop counter, phone/fax) are complemented by ICT applications like dedicated website and the back- and front-office applications integrated with intranet and extranet.
CRM at Godiva evolved into a company-wide business strategy designed to reduce costs and increase profitability by building and supporting customer loyalty. CRM brings together information from all data sources within an organization to give one, holistic view of each customer in real time.
In 2002-2003 Godiva European Division, developed the LINK Extranet system, which links business partners via dedicated website (www.link.godiva.be) In 2002 - 2003 the Link project was developed by the company. It cost about 120,000 Euros and it took about one year for it to be fully operational, including training of the customers and in house staff. Today, the company receives the orders via www.link.godiva.be websites where registered partners can log in to place and manage their orders 24/7.
Godiva has some good alternatives to solve this problems. First, they can continue making their website useful and full of various features so that they can use it as a strong advertising tool. Godiva must continue advertising its products by the help of ally firms (Airlines and Tax- Free zones). To produce expensive and suitable for self consumption chocolate in the same time. Finally, if other products are observed as substitutes of chocolates (e.g. wine, flower, and perfume), Godiva can expand its production line using the same logic as they are producing Godiva Liqueur now.
2. www.godiva.com
5. http://internationaltrade.suite101.com/article.cfm/ - chocolate covered countries
Òåìàòà å ðàçðàáîòåíà 27. 05. 2010 ã.
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Íàé – íîâàòà èíôîðìàöèÿ å îò 2009 ã.
Êëþ÷îâè äóìè:
history of chocolate, mission statement, product policy, SWOT analysis, competition, decision center, production supplies markets, production line, advertising tools