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Leadership and management are the key dynamic forces that motivate and coordinate the members of the organization to accomplish its goals. The significance of leadership and management styles and practices is particularly important due to the dynamic changes which occurred in the last few decades.
The obejctive of this research is to provide us an overview of the achievements of management theory schools and the different types of leadership paradigms discussed in literature.
This paper also addresses the issues of management and leadership as practices and will reveal the correlation between them and the organizational performance.
The dissertation reviews the case study of the largest software company in Europe - SAP AG – and provides us with information about how management and leadership are put in practice in a giant corporation in order to ensure its success.
“Leadership and management are two distinctive and complementary systems of action. Each has its own function and characteristic activities. Both are necessary for success in an increasingly complex and volatile business environment. (…) Management is about coping with complexity. Leadership, by contrast, is coping with change. (…) Each system of action involves deciding what needs to be done, creating networks of people and relationships that can accomplish an agenda, and then trying to ensure that those people actually do the job. But each accomplishes these three tasks in different ways. (…) The real challenge is to combine strong leadership and strong management and use each to balance the other.”
John P. Kotter
Leadership and management are the key dynamic forces that motivate and coordinate the members of the organization to accomplish its goals. The significance of leadership and management styles and practices is particularly important due to the dynamic changes which occurred in the last few decades.
The purpose of this research is to provide us an overview of the achievements of management theory schools and the different types of leadership paradigms discussed in literature.
This paper will address the issues of management and leadership as practices and will reveal the correlation between them and the organizational performance.
The case study of SAP AG (the largest software company in Europe) will provide us with information about how management and leadership are put in practice in a giant corporation.
The dissertation is based solely on secondary sources. No primary data was collected during the process of research.
This paper addresses three major questions:
1. What are the highest achievements of leadership and management theories?
2. How do leadership and management influence the overall performance of the organization ?
3. What’s the key for SAP AG’s success ?
The dissertation is structured in six chapters (1. Introduction, 2. Management theory, 3. Leadership theories. The significance of the relationship between leadership and organizational performance, 4. Management as a practice. Correlation between leadership and performance, 5. The case of SAP AG and 6. Conclusions and recommendations) which provide both theoretical and practical data for the purposes of the research.
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Темата е разработена 2010 г.
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Ключови думи:
management, organizational performance, SAP AG, management theory, types of leadership, corporate responsibility, team performance, networks of people