

Translation as a specific type of communication






In order the unique nature of translation to be elucidated, the author of this work examines the various aspects of communication in general, and then – the specific ones, which concern translation as a type of communication.

Communication comprises all processes that enable people to send and receive information or ideas. These processes can be verbal (e.g. direct communication; telephone or Skype calls, etc.) and non-verbal (e.g. text messaging; messages sent via instant messengers; letters; e-mails; beckoning or other signs, which may convey an important message).

In the first place, communication involves the transfer of a message from one source to another, conducted through some kind of medium or agent. In its very essence the communication process involves a sender/source, a message/receiver/target, a channel/medium, a context and different sources of noise. This explanation of communication is widely applicable due to the fact it diagrams most of the common aspects of communication.

The primary goal of communication is the text to be understood. Anything that interferes with this process is called noise. If we pay special attention to the various kinds of noises that exist, we can group them in several groups: 1. environmental noises (noises that physically disrupt communication); 2. psychological-impairment noises (noises that prevent effective communication); 3. semantic noises (noises that represent misinterpretations of certain words); 4. syntactical noises (noises that involve mistakes in grammar, which may disrupt communication); 5. organizational noises (the receiver is prevented from accurate interpretation due to poorly structured communication); 6. cultural noises (misunderstandings caused by stereotypical assumptions); 7. psychological noises (certain attitudes that can make communication difficult, e.g. great anger or sadness). According to the author of this work, translation as a specific type of communication could be disturbed by all of them. However, the professional translator should be able to prevent most of them.

Translation as a specific type of communication may vary from face-to-face interaction through electronic interaction and transmissions, but there are some general conditions that apply to all kinds of situations:

-            The originator of the message is the source or the sender. This is implied in the common case when the author of the message somehow manages to control the original message.






1.   Berko, R.M. (2010) Communicating, Boston, MA: Pearson Education, 11th ed.

2.   Eftekhari, N. (2008) A brief overview on idiomatic translation, University of Isfahan, Iran

3.   Georgieva, P. (2010) Aspects of poetry translation, NBU

4.   Newmark, P. (1995) A textbook of translation, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. 



Темата е разработена 2010 г.

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Ключови думи:

translation, type of communication, face-to-face interaction, electronic interaction and transmissions, control the original message, idiomatic translation, aspects of poetry

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