Годива Европа (Godiva Europe) |
Вид: | курсова работа | ||
Прибавен: | 2010-09-09 | ||
Рейтинг: |
Дължина: | 12 стр. | ||
Цена: |
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Ключови думи и изрази:
history of chocolate, mission statement, product policy, SWOT analysis, competition, decision center, production supplies markets, production line, advertising tools
реклама | реклама |
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Godiva is specialised in the production of premium chocolate. The company is made up of three decision centers: Godiva Europe, Godiva USA and Godiva Japan. It has manufacturing facilities in Belgium and the USA and nearly four thousand points of sale world-wide.
Godiva Chocolatier was created in 1926 by the Draps family, and for the first 40 years, the company operated regionally as family business.
In 1966 Godiva entered the American market and six years later the company became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Campbell Corporation (USA). Presently, the two production units in Belgium and the USA distribute Godiva products all over the world. The range of offer, which traditionally comprised premium chocolates, now includes ice-creams and cocoa-based beverages.
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