Разлика между контролируеми и неконтролируеми разходи (The Difference Between Controllable And Uncontrollable Cost)

Вид: курсова работа
Прибавен: 2010-09-07
5 1 2 3 4 5
(1 гласа)
Дължина: 11 стр.
 (50 лв) 45.00 лв (нова цена)
  (Спестявате 5.00 лв, 10%)
Пълно резюме: RTF format .Rtf (73KB)          Html format .Html (22KB)

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Ключови думи и изрази:

controllable and uncontrollable cost, cost classifications, controlling costs, overhead costs, flexible budget, cost variance, benchmark

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Частично (кратко) резюме на темата

A cost management system is a management planning and control system which aimed to measure the cost of the resources consume in performing the organizations’ activities, to identify and eliminate non-value added cost and to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of all major activities perform in the enterprise. Mush of the information in the organization is focused on the cost.

For example, in planning the flight schedules of British Airlines, managers must consider aircraft fuel cost, salaries of flight crews and airport landing fees. Controlling the cost of manufacturing personal computers requires that Hewlett Packard’s accountants carefully measured and keep track of production cost.

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