Сравнение и контраст между творбите на Фланъри О'Конър "Добър човек е трудно да намериш" и на Джеймс Болдуин "Стаята на Джовани" (Comparison And Contrast Between Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard To Find” And James Baldwin’s “Giovanni’s Room”)

Вид: есе
Прибавен: 2011-02-22
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Дължина: 1 стр.
20 лв
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Ключови думи и изрази:

short story, novel, inner conflicts, idealistic idea of manhood, roles in the story, comparison and contrast

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Частично (кратко) резюме на темата

O’Connor’s “A good man is hard to find” and Baldwin’s “Giovanni’s room” were written in the 1950s. They represent different genres - while “A good man is hard to find” is a short story, “Giovanni’s room” is a novel.

The characters in them are quite different as well. The short story introduces very few characters – the selfish and manipulative Grandmother (who doesn’t have a name); the escaped convict, named Misfit (but the author never mentions his real name); the Mother (who is also unnamed); Bailey – the son of the Grandmother, John Wesley – the grandparent named after the founder of Methodism, and June Star – a girl who is just as selfish as her grandmother.

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