Доклад за Международен бизнес стаж (International business intership report)

Вид: курсова работа
Прибавен: 2011-02-28
5 1 2 3 4 5
(2 гласа)
Дължина: 17 стр.
 (50 лв) 45.00 лв (нова цена)
  (Спестявате 5.00 лв, 10%)
Пълно резюме: RTF format .Rtf (137KB)          Html format .Html (25KB)

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Ключови думи и изрази:

Moststroy PLC, internship, SWOT, PESTEL, Porter’s five strengths, market performance, labour force, Global crisis, construction, Bulgaria

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Частично (кратко) резюме на темата

This internship report presents my experience as an intern in Moststroy PLC. It includes a description of the company and its structure and management. In order a complete picture of Moststroy and its market position to be provided, the paper also includes SWOT and PESTEL analysis, analysis of Porter’s five strengths, analysis of the trade policy and the overall market performance of the company and its competitors.

A very important part of the report is the description of my reflections on the behavioural patterns and my understanding of the aspirations of the labour force in the company.

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