Сравнение и контраст между творбите на Фланъри О'Конър "Добър човек е трудно да намериш" и Робърт Кувър "Световната бейзболна асоциация" (Comparison And Contrast Between Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard To Find” And Robert Coover’s “The Universal B |
Вид: | есе | ||
Прибавен: | 2011-03-08 | ||
Рейтинг: |
Дължина: | 1 стр. | ||
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Ключови думи и изрази:
short story, novel, comparing of two stories, different genres, the trends of the time
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At first Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man is Hard to Find” and Robert Coover’s “The Universal Baseball Association” seem too different to be compared. The first one is a short story written in the early 1950s, and the second one is a novel from the late 1960s.
O’Conner’s story is about an unnamed selfish and hypocritical grandmother murdered by an escaped convict, and Coover’s novel is about an unhappy accountant (J. Henry Waugh) who escapes reality by immersing himself in a world where he takes all decisions. He creates a baseball league, where all of the teams are owned by him, and the actions of the players are ruled by the dice.
Внимание: Всички материали са за лично ползване и с помощна цел. Helpos.com не носи отговорност при опит за плагиатство. Авторството на текстовите материали принадлежи на техните автори!
Сходни разработки:
- Literature - beneficial in the language learning process (дипломна работа)
- Nations have always existed (есе)
- Сравнение и контраст между творбите на Фланъри О'Конър "Добър човек е трудно да намериш" и на Джеймс Болдуин "Стаята на Джовани" (Comparison And Contrast Between Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard To Find” And James Baldwin’s “Giovanni’s Room”) (есе)
- Борсовите посредници в развитите страни и в България. (реферат / доклад)