Същност на корпоративната култура (The essence of corporate culture)

Вид: курсова работа
Прибавен: 2010-09-08
5 1 2 3 4 5
(1 гласа)
Дължина: 16 стр.
 (50 лв) 45.00 лв (нова цена)
  (Спестявате 5.00 лв, 10%)
Пълно резюме: RTF format .Rtf (78KB)          Html format .Html (30KB)

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Ключови думи и изрази:

corporate culture, cultural differences, types of organization culture, managing culture, ethical corporate culture, healthy organization, business network

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Частично (кратко) резюме на темата

Every organization has its culture. This culture may be quiet different, even though the firms operate in very similar market and technological environment, and are very powerful forces in determining behavior patterns of members. Organization culture manifests itself as a set of rituals, myths, and symbols that come to embody important information.

In today's global economy, managers must be able to identify and work with the many types of cultures that exist simultaneously within an organization or a business network.

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